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I've set-up Yggdracilia as a place to show off new work that I am creating, and perhaps more importantly to get into the regular habit of sharing in general.  I currently have artwork at various places on the web please check them out.

Eye-Eighty - This is the first webcomic I've done. It's completed (for the moment.)
Tumblr - There are several pieces shown here, it's updated occasionally.
Deviant Art - This is my Deviant Art site, it is updated semi-irregularly.

 I will continue to update those sites, but I will be updating here first.

I am currently working on a print comic called Iris White, the first issue is completed and I am awaiting a proof from the printer. I will be posting some art and pages from it, as well as a link to where it can be purchased.

Here is a preview of a piece I will be showing at a small show in April, it is entitled, The Last Geisha. The original is 18" x 24".

Last Geisha Image
The Last Geisha (2014) by Justin Lewis