Misericordia: Month 1
Misericordia has been updating for a month now. I am well ahead on page,s and so far managing to keep up. I can tell the steady work has started to make a difference. I really think the art starts to take a direction I want it to around page 16 or so.
If you like Misericordia, please tell your friends or post about it on Facebook. I'm not versed in growing followers on Tumblr so it's been slow there, but I'm learning.
Con season is coming up and that means time to put together some pieces for art shows. I think having a regular project like a webcomic lets me use this opportunity to something fun. I will be posting works in progress as I go.
Page 16 mini sneak peak:
If you like Misericordia, please tell your friends or post about it on Facebook. I'm not versed in growing followers on Tumblr so it's been slow there, but I'm learning.
Con season is coming up and that means time to put together some pieces for art shows. I think having a regular project like a webcomic lets me use this opportunity to something fun. I will be posting works in progress as I go.
Page 16 mini sneak peak: