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First two conventions of the season +

I've just attended my first two conventions for 2017.

Constellation 8

Constellation is a Lincoln, Nebraska based convention. This year, they invited me as toastmaster. I'm not a great public speaker, but it was still an honor. I got to meet SF Grandmaster James Gunn. I displayed a few pieces in the art show including the first public showing of 'Henry.'

Demicon 28

I've been attending Demicon in Des Moines, Iowa for over twenty years now. I always have a good time there. It's not the best place for my art sales, but the art show staff are always great, and I did get some very nice comments from attendees.

The next convention I will be attending will be CONvergence in Minnesota, MN. It's the biggest convention of the year for me, and it's always worth the long drive. I am planning on showing some work in the art show. Fee free to say, 'hi' if you see me wandering the halls.